Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Kylee's Kindergarten promotion

Kylee did it! She graduated Kindergarten! They have till Thursday until schools out ,but this morning was the promotion. I made scrambled eggs and there was one little boy who went back 3 times to get just my eggs! It was so funny! I do make great eggs if I do say so myself. Thanks Mom!  Anyway, proud  of our girl! She worked really hard this year.She also received the SURVIVOR award for never, ever, ever giving up!  Kids have field day tomorrow which I am volunteering. Should be a fun last few days! On a side note, Kylee was riding her bike last night and crashed pretty hard. She scraped the whole left side of her body including her face on the left side, she has a really bad bruise. poor baby. I got her all cleaned up and gave her a nice bath and she felt better. I hate to see my kids get hurt. This was by far, the worst I have seen her get hurt.  She is a tough girl though! Love her to infinity and beyond!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I hope Kylee heals up quickly.
First grade here she comes!